
Loving Teaching Again!

I loved my student teaching experience my senior year of college. I split time for that semester between a local public school and a Christian school and graduated with both my degree and an excitement about teaching. It was fun! It was something I was good at! I was going to be a history teacher! Whoo-hoo!

It took one year at a downtown Cincinnati charter school to completely vanquish all these warm and fuzzies and jade me to the whole process. Granted, it was probably not a great place to form lasting opinions, but fresh as I was, the wolves had their way. The school specifically targeted students with substance abuse in their background but that were “committed” to changing their lives; in reality, it felt like we took whoever we could get to pay the bills. I had four hour-and-a-half preps with zero curriculum. In some cases, I even had to track down my own textbooks. The students were, predictably, unruly and disrespectful and uninterested and very possibly armed and dealing. It would not be a stretch to say that it was a view of depravity I had not previously been exposed to.

I eventually taught at a public school’s alternative program (not quite as dangerous or unorganized, but computer-based and servicing students who equally didn’t want to be there) and another downtown charter-school (yikes).

Then I became a stay-at-home-dad.

I say all this to give context to the following: I love teaching at Highlands Latin Cincinnati. This hybrid-style homeschooling experience (I teach one day a week; my kids attend two days) was new to us this year, and to make it work for our family they gave me four classes to teach. Each one an hour-and-a-half long. Yep. Four hour-and-a-half preps (sound familiar?).

Basic Latin. Famous Men of Rome. Sixth grade composition. Fifth grade literature.

I have absolutely loved it. Aside from quality curriculum and great leadership and the perfect blend of homeschooling and traditional schooling (a big plus for our kids), I have simply enjoyed teaching these classes to these kids.

I know, I know: it’s easy to enjoy teaching good kids in small class sizes. True enough. None of my students are bringing weapons to school and none of them are making more than I am selling drugs at recess. They have solid families and solid moral structures. They have been taught the value of education. They want to be there and enjoy the school-days we have together.

It’s an environment that screams “education! learning! growth!” and I am so glad to be a part of it.

Thanks Highlands. I love teaching.

NOTE: To be fair, I must give credit to Classical Conversations (a homeschool co-op) for some early work in restoring my love of teaching. We attended there for four years before coming to Highlands, and I taught all four years in a much more limited role. It was great and I loved the classroom again!

One thought on “Loving Teaching Again!

  1. This was a blessing to read today! I know you are an excellent teacher! I am so thankful for what the Lord has brought to you from this new experience of teaching! How do I know you are an excellent teacher? I see it as you teach those two adorable children of yours and beside that you are Ken’s son! Like father, like son! God be praised for His direction in your life!

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